On Tuesday, the SRC went to the annual St Patrick's Day Mass at St Patrick’s Cathedral. All the catholic schools in Melbourne came to this Mass.The grade 6 SRC were chosen to hold the banner and process through the cathedral representing our school. After we processed into the church, the Grade 6’s sat under the massive organ. There were TVs all around the church so we could see the Archbishop blessing everyone and then he started the Mass.There were hundreds of children and adults. After the Mass, we toured the cathedral with our teachers. Then we had a celebration in the Exhibition Gardens. Overall we had a fun filled day! Ben and Tully
Meanwhile, on Wednesday, everyone donned their green outfits and the Justice Team helped with our annual Green Day Fundraiser for Caritas.
Looks like great celebrations all round, and now a win at sports day too! BIG week!! Cheers Mrs Bellesini :)