Tuesday, February 18, 2014



  1. Thanks for your slogans everyone. The challenge is now to continue to remember to make the Smart choices that Tony spoke about!

  2. Great slogans and posters seniors. Make sure you remember to stand up for yourself and each other SAVE your evidence and TELL an adult if it happens. Together we can help to stop ALL bullying.
    Mrs Bellesini :)

  3. Hello everyone!

    Great to see everyone encouraging cyber safety. Those slogans were great. Mine is don't troll, it's not lol! That BTN video is a good video explaining how we are always being track. For example people can probably see that I am on this blog posting a comment.

    Keep up the great work Senior MY.

    From Jonathan (Senior MY)

  4. A good comment, Jonathan! No sooner had you posted than I received a message that you were around! And here I am commenting already! Thanks.
    Mrs Yore

  5. Wow those look great
    I loved making slogans it's so fun and creative plus there inspiring
    I loved making these inspired by the BTN it was so fun and sends out a message
    keep up the good work Nick.N

  6. Dear SMY,
    I think it's really important that everyone in this class is trying to stop bullying around the world because its very important that we do, so there can be peace in our world.
    From Isabella

  7. Dear SMY
    it's good that every one is trying to stop bullying and are learning how to be safe online and off line. No one like's to be upset or alone.
    From cooper

  8. Hello senior MY It's Nicholas here
    I loved making these slogans there so creative and inspiring to anyone getting cyber bullied.
    These slogans where inspired by the BTN and I think every ones Look good
    Keep up the good work senior MY from Nicholas
