Friday, June 22, 2012


At school we have been teaching each other different types of poetry. We taught everyone a Villanelle. A villanelle is a French poem that has 19 lines arranged in six stanzas.
The first five stanzas contain three lines and rhyme in the pattern ABA. This rhyme stays the same throughout the whole poem.
The sixth stanza consists of four lines with a rhyming pattern of ABAA.
In the sixth stanzas, the first and third line in the first stanzas are repeated in the last two lines in the sixth stanzas.
This is our Villanelle.

The ferns covered the descending trees
Disguising all the plains
Blowing in the soft, supple breeze

A wind’s hazy wheeze
Appears naturally
Harshly blowing all the leaves

The wind starts to ease
As powerful as it was
It calms down the leaves

I bend down on my knees
Pluck some flowers
As I hear the bees

As the sun sinks down it sees

The beautiful nature
The place that holds the keys

So now it is time for us to freeze
And for one last time
The ferns covered the descending trees
Blowing in the soft, supple breeze

Our reflection about students teaching one another!
Leah: I thought that it worked well because we could understand it more easily because it was at our  own level.
Jessica: I think it worked well because everyone was able to give it a go. I enjoyed being the the teacher because it provides some variation in the way I work and also, because I had to teach it, I understood the poem better.

Mrs Yore reflects: I am simply blown away by the poetry the seniors primaries are writing. Empowering them with the role of imparting the knowledge to their peers, has certainly raised the bar both in terms of student engagement and in the standard of learning that has taken place.


  1. Hello Leah and Jess,

    Your Villanelle is excellent. Writing poetry to s specific pattern can make writing harder but I see you have mastered the skill very well.

    Teacher, NSW, Australia

  2. Hi Leah and Jess
    That piece of poetry was beautiful - it made me feel like I was there- did you like teaching the other students in the class about your form of poetry? How does working with a partner help you learn?
    Mrs Mac

  3. Leah and Jess,
    Not only have you taught the students in your class through your investigation and application of the art of writing a Villanelle, you have also taught beyond the classroom through the use of technology.Your poem is so moving and it inspires others including myself to have a go.
    How has becoming the expert and teaching others supported your own learning?
    Thank you for sharing your poem.
    Mrs Clark

  4. Thanks for sharing your Villanelle and for explaining it so well. I had heard of Villanelles but wasn't sure how they were structured - now I know! I love the image of the ferns covering the descending trees and blowing in the soft, supple breeze. Congratulations!
    Susie Brown

  5. What a great Villanelle poem Leah and Jess! It was excellent! Great to see you can make very good poems! I loved it! You taught us in a good way!

    Good job girls!


  6. student from Bearwood blog: ZoeJune 27, 2012 at 5:10 PM

    Wow I love Your Blog it's absolutely fantastic I love the texture too
